For reference -
Gambit: Bet something beneficial on a hit (e.g. knock prone, disarm, shove), in return for something detrimental on a miss (e.g. drop your weapon, enemy gets a free attack, fall prone). You cannot use this to deal damage.
Opportunist: Whenever you Gambit, deal +1d6 damage
Tricky: When you Gambit, you can replace a miss condition with a tactical advantage.
Mat's player cottoned on to a a neat gameplay loop - if you can use a Gambit to set up a different tactical advantage, you could use that advantage for your next Gambit, and so on... resulting in a significant power-boost. If Mat could keep hitting attacks and staying on the ball, he could continuously deal +1d6 damage and inconvenience his enemies. This eventually resulted in Opportunist changing to: As a Gambit, deal +1d6 damage. And yet, Mat's shenanigans live on!
I didn't make that change during the campaign (of sorts) as they were the just reward for a crafty player, and likely the only thing keeping the solo character alive down there. By the time Mat reached the Dervish the second time, he had lost an arm, gained a mechanical replacement, made a friend (from a brain-eating demon gem and a wizard brain-in-a-jar) and discovered the meaning of love...ish.
For your reading pleasure:
- Dice rolls have been removed, or rather, not added, but context should supply the details thereof.
- Specific actions are often in a Caves of Qud-style "USE ITEM WITH ITEM" notation
- Most text that is (in brackets) is out of character, but this isn't a hard and fast rule.
- Mat can only communicate with his Brain+Gem In a Jar via a cunning combination of Morse code and flashing lights. This is represented by S P A C E D C A P I T A L L E T T E R S.
- Mat ran from the Dervish some time ago, after being asked, politely, for the traditional sacrifice of one hand. Mat did not comply. For shame, Mat. For shame.
- Mat looted a clockwork shotgun that uses these rules.
- The Dervish has been murdering the
Pleasure GolemsNice Young Ladies from Room 50 for quite some time now. Mat has arranged for the freedom of one of the Nice Young Ladies in return for the Dervish's head. - The Dervish is an 8ft tall blue demon with four arms, telekinetic powers and four magic weapons - an axe, a sword, a three-skulled flail and a hammer
- Mat is in possession of the Paranoia Mindset.
Without further ado, bear witness to: THE FINAL SHOWDOWN
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The OG four-armed blue badass, credit Pressy Patanik |
Merciful DM:
in the middle of a modest circular room is a GREASY LOOKING MAN wearing a threadbare robe, sitting on a STOOL reading a SHREDDED book
you can see a COLISEUM LIFT to the WEST and there are square tunnels leading in each of the diagonals
Mat the Magnificent:
Any sign of weapons?
Merciful DM:
roll Wisdom if you'd like though
Mat the Magnificent:
Merciful DM:
Mat the Magnificent:
Any sign of FOOD?
Merciful DM:
and its half of something
he licks a yellowed finger and turns a page, only for it to fall to the floor
Mat the Magnificent:
Moving as quietly as possible
relying on light feet
attempt to creep
to elevator
Merciful DM:
roll a straight stealth check then
Mat the Magnificent:
Merciful DM:
he sniffs and looks up, just as you take a step
"...oh! Y- you must be-"
he looks down at himself, and stands up, awkwardly kicking the stool away
"W-welcome to the Great T-Temple of his Royal Lord Dreadful, the Dervish of W-War!"
"I am the Low Priest. Are you a supplicant or a sacrifice?"
Mat the Magnificent:
"What's the difference?"
Merciful DM:
"Supplicants get their arms cut off while praying. Sacrifices fight the Dervish, then get their arms cut off."
Mat the Magnificent:
"I can't help but notice you still have both your arms"
Merciful DM:
"I am neither. I am the Low Priest."
Mat the Magnificent:
"How'd you get to be the low priest?"
Merciful DM:
"I- I don't know. I can't remember. I think the Dervish decided though."
Mat the Magnificent:
"Are you hungry?"
Merciful DM:
"Am not sure"
"I think I've been down here a while."
"I know I've been reading this book for a while."
"And I can tell the last half of it is missing."
"But that never seems to bother me much?"
Mat the Magnificent:
"It doesn't leave you with a cliffhanger?"
Merciful DM:
"Not really..."
"It's quite mediocre really."
Mat the Magnificent:
"What's it about?"
Merciful DM:
"Well... it's an odd coincidence, but it's about a plucky halfling adventurer and his travels."
"He heads into this odd cave and goes on all sorts of bizarre adventures."
Mat the Magnificent:
"You got a pen?"
Merciful DM:
"Why, no, why do you ask?"
Mat the Magnificent:
"Where's it end?"
"Tell you what"
"You've got me interested"
"I've got some fairly fresh fruit somewhere in here"
"I'll trade you five grapes, a sweet apple, or half a lurt-melon"
"For a loan of your book"
Merciful DM:
"L-lurt melon? You have lurt-melon?"
Mat the Magnificent:
"Of course"
Merciful DM:
"Before you head up and get killed by the Dervish"
Mat the Magnificent:
"Don't worry, I have to come through here to get up right?"
Merciful DM:
"That's right. It's up that lift there."
Mat the Magnificent:
"You'll get the book back before then"
Exchange ... sigh, HALF A LURT MELON for BOOK
Mat is seriously considering taking the book by force instead of handing over the MELON
Merciful DM:
the Low Priest takes odd nibbles of the fruit, as if he's forgotten
juice dribbles down his chin
you're reading the book?
Mat the Magnificent:
Merciful DM:
flicking through, its a first-person account of your trip through the dungeon, with a fair amount of the back-tracking edited out, and a lot more detail involving Avalon and the other girls
you also lose your hand when you meet and fight the Dervish the first time, and are tossed into the river that runs in a slightly different direction
Pickle nurses you back to health, and gives you the shotgun from his stash
you also find the Brain-in-a-jar and have to fight it into submission
it can also talk quietly, and gains lightning powers when you tear the gem from the body of a larger golem
it is, as you probably expected, ripped in half just after you find the strange glowing light
slurp... slurp goes the Low Priest
Mat the Magnificent:
What's the book made of?
Merciful DM:
the cover has been ripped off, but you can see it was produced by a company near where your old manor-job used to be
Mat the Magnificent:
Anywhere in the book
Is a number mentioned?
Preferably of coins
Merciful DM:
there's a distinct lack of treasure mentioned
no occultum or anything
just pluck and heroism
Avalon herself is rescued from marauding combat golems
and then kidnapped by strange ghosts made of ash
overall its seems like the sort of trite adventure novel that young noble boys with a studious bent would simply devour
Mat the Magnificent:
Any small alterations I could make, a single scratching out or added 0 that would have given our hero a much easier/ more profitable time of things?
Merciful DM:
you could, theoretically, rip out the entire page with the initial fight with the Dervish
Mat the Magnificent:
Is the page described in such a way
I could instead make the Dervish lose the hand?
Merciful DM:
but looking at it
you get a feeling that the things written in the book couldn't have ever happened the way described
the combat golems taking captives and then just sitting there?
the monologue of the Dervish?
Mat the Magnificent:
Smoke ghosts affecting the corporeal
Merciful DM:
the friendly rat people just disappearing as soon as narratively convenient?
Mat the Magnificent:
It seemed too much to hope for
A lot of strange things happened in this dungeon
Merciful DM:
wanna give it a shot?
Mat the Magnificent:
Ah well
Merciful DM:
what'll you try and change?
Mat the Magnificent:
The Dervish loses the hand
Merciful DM:
so yanking the page
and hoping no one notices the difference?
Mat the Magnificent:
I was thinking scraping out and writing over
Merciful DM:
ah, its paper and ink
Mat the Magnificent:
Then yanking the Dervish fight page
and making it look like it fell out of its own accord
a page fell to the ground while he was reading it
So it shouldn't be too unbelievable
Merciful DM:
there's a sharp sizzle as you pull at the paper
Mat the Magnificent:
Merciful DM:
(somewhere, 90 universes down the line, something very bad happens)
Mat the Magnificent:
That roll
Merciful DM:
for you, its just a prickle down your spine and in your elbow
what do you do with the page?
Mat the Magnificent:
Pocket it
Return BOOK
Merciful DM:
"jusshh dere" mumbles the Low Priest through the rind
"hed up ifsh you wan"
Mat the Magnificent:
"Before I do, what can you tell me about the DERVISH?"
Merciful DM:
"Ish a god. 'E-" slurp "Oh man, that was so good. He's uhh, a god? He murders people. He's the best at it. He- crap. There's this whole thing I'm supposed to say... the first time I got it wrong I had all my limbs broken. Milord is more complacent about these things nowadays, it seems."
Mat the Magnificent:
"Isn't Zulin the only god?"
"I thought he did for all the others"
"The priests tell stories about it"
Merciful DM:
"Well nah. Zulin, praise be, he's just the biggest."
"Ate all the other ones."
"Or somethin'."
"The Dervish is a new one."
Mat the Magnificent:
I look to WIZARD BRAIN for confirmation
Merciful DM:
"M A K E S S E N S E"
"G O D O R D E M O N O R B O T H"
Mat the Magnificent:
"So you'd have to be pretty stupid to try and murder the God of Murder"
"You get a lot of sacrifices and supplicants?"
Merciful DM:
"Not- not a whole lot, recently. Just uh... just you."
"But I'm sure more will follow soon!"
the Low Priest bubbles with contrived optimism
(it isn't very effective)
Mat the Magnificent:
"Was murder the word what he told you?"
"Not killing, or battle, or fighting"
"But murder?"
(I'm sure you see where I'm going with this)
Merciful DM:
"He's the Dervish of War. He's pretty great at all of them, to be honest."
(I'm not sure I do)
Mat the Magnificent:
(You never fight gods on their own terms, you come at them with a conceptual weakness)
(What's Anathema to War?)
Breaking that MURDER AXE seems like a splendid idea
War weariness
Merciful DM:
(no doubt when you write your version of events, that's how it's going to work)
Mat the Magnificent:
(but not how things work in centerra?)
Merciful DM:
in the story books, you get the Awakened to calm down by reading them nursery rhymes
extrapolate however you would like
Mat the Magnificent:
(Speaking of story books)
I bet the Zulinists have a lot of stories about GOD killing
how do they do it in the stories of old?
Merciful DM:
a bunch of Paladins stabbing it until it dies, usually
then about a dozen saints-on-a-stick pray at it real hard until it falls in a heap
repeat ad nauseum
Mat the Magnificent: [SAO Abridged – Group up and hit it till it dies]
Merciful DM:
Mat the Magnificent:
Alright, conceptual weaknesses not being a thing, I guess it's time to activate plan HIT IT TILL IT DIES
"Is the lift noisy?"
Merciful DM:
"The Dervish already knows you are coming. It'll be a fight, not an ambush."
Mat the Magnificent:
"I mean, I've seen the DERVISH before"
"He wanted me to cut off one of my fingers"
"I just ran on by"
Merciful DM:
"Well, duh. He thought you were a supplicant."
"He was mighty pissed off that you were some sort of half-hearted sacrifice."
Mat the Magnificent:
"He talks to you?"
Merciful DM:
"You... you didn't hear him?"
"After you left, it was like a storm in a bottle down here."
Mat the Magnificent:
Alright, guess it's time to go up
Mat the Magnificent:
Sprinkle HOLY WATER HIDEOUSLY EXPENSIVE LASSO [E: This was formed out of an occultum wire and an autowinder, designed to draw tight and eventually explode]
Merciful DM:
do you just douse yourself in the stuff?
Mat the Magnificent:
Half a flasks worth
Wheedle GOD
Plead GOD
Bribe GOD
"Zulin, I know I haven't always been the best of men. I've done things you'd rather I didn't and enjoyed doing them. Right here, right now, I'm doing something we both want done. If I actually manage to kill this thing, first thing I do when I sell the loot from this dungeon is send one coin in five to yours truly. That's a promise."
Merciful DM:
Roll Goodness!
If you succeed, you are Pious
if you fail, you are Desperate
Mat the Magnificent:
That's a no
Considering Lucky
Merciful DM:
+1 xp if you do
you've got 1 LP left?
Mat the Magnificent:
1 LP and Very Lucky
Is there a bonus from holy water?
Merciful DM:
are you going Desperate?
Mat the Magnificent:
55% isn't good enough odds for LUCKY
Merciful DM:
you can take +1 Att and/or +1 Def for a Goodness each
Mat the Magnificent:
Oh, I meant to the goodness roll
Merciful DM:
the holy water+prayer is the goodness roll
Mat the Magnificent:
In that case, DESPERATE it is
Lets do this
Merciful DM:
are you taking the bonuses?
Mat the Magnificent:
Oh, I thought it was per roll
Merciful DM:
nope, its your choice now
Mat the Magnificent:
If its flat against the demon
then 100%
Merciful DM:
+1 Att/Def per goodness spent
you read whatever symbolism you like into that
Mat the Magnificent:
I plan to run through and ballista it
As plan C
Will it hold till then?
I don't get to know that
Merciful DM:
Mat the Magnificent:
Do I choose attack or defence, or is it both?
Merciful DM:
you can have one or both, and its a goodness each
Mat the Magnificent:
So +1 ATK and +1 Def is 2 goodness?
What's the goodness of Joe Blogs?
I think Robdet is down to about 3?
Merciful DM:
its under the circumstances
you are born with 10
you're up to 12 somehow
Mat the Magnificent:
in that case
It's all going into the GAMBIT STAT
Merciful DM:
as you climb into the lift, the Low Priest hands you something
its the page that fell out of his/your book
the back one... the one that would have the fight with the Dervish on it
you can spot the words "smote", "arterial", "snakes" and "gnashing" but most of it is obscured by a wash of still-wet black ink
the page is soaked by thick letters reading "MIRRORS AREN'T BAD LUCK MAT"
the page is damp from the letters, and spots of ink drip from the page to the filthy metal floor, as the gates are slammed shut, and you begin to wind your way towards THE DERVISH
- - -
Mat the Magnificent:
"Looks like you got your due anyway"
"I don't suppose you want to let me pass without more violence"
Merciful DM:
Mat the Magnificent:
"This isn't usually like me you know"
"Most of the time I'd be doing everything I possibly could to avoid something like you"
Merciful DM:
Mat the Magnificent:
"But a little while ago you murdered some nice young ladies"
"You probably don't remember"
"I'm sure you've killed a lot of people"
"But they didn't choose to come here, they weren't looking for treasure or vengeance or anything really"
"They were lost and frightened"
"And you murdered them"
"Because you were bored"
"That's why I'm here today"
"To ask you to promise not to hurt anyone else who isn't looking for a fight"
Merciful DM:
Mat the Magnificent:
(He's being kind)
Merciful DM:
(he is)
Mat the Magnificent:
"Has that ever worked?"
Merciful DM:
Mat the Magnificent:
"Mat the Magnificent: is not known for disappointing beautiful young maidens"
Merciful DM:
Mat the Magnificent:
(Looking up Goodness mechanics made me open this webpage
(I think I'm going into this fight with the right mindset)
Merciful DM:
why do you think the Alnwick campaign was called In Case of Gruesome Death for so long?
you go first!
there are VELVET CHAIRS SHREDDED around the edges (the purple line)
Mat the Magnificent:
Is it within EXTRA CROSSBOWEY CROSSBOW range? [E: he means the shotgun]
Merciful DM:
every 10ft distance is -1 Shotgun damage
i'd call that
30ft at least
much more
now its 30ft
Mat the Magnificent:
What do I roll?
Merciful DM:
he has 5 Defense
Mat the Magnificent:
1 luck spent
and it hits
Merciful DM:
so, the autowinder activates and tightens the occultum wire?
Mat the Magnificent:
you got it
Merciful DM:
roll overload!
Mat the Magnificent:
Merciful DM:
dont roll a 1
Mat the Magnificent:
I didn't!
Merciful DM:
the Dervish is going to attempt to save or have a limb trapped as well
Merciful DM:
its right around his middle
Mat the Magnificent:
Perfect for BISECTION
Merciful DM:
he looks at the wire and shrugs before sending his HAMMER whistling towards you
he has 8 Attack!
Mat the Magnificent:
A hit
Merciful DM:
thats 1d8+2 damage, and you can decide - +1d6, or prone?
Mat the Magnificent:
How thin's the wire?
Merciful DM:
pretty thin?
its whether the autowinder can get enough puff going
without... exploding...
Mat the Magnificent:
Merciful DM:
i appreciate that a lot
Mat the Magnificent:
It's a good bomb
And Zulin does appear to be favouring me
Merciful DM:
the hammer clips you as it flies past, followed swiftly by the spinning axe
another attack!
Mat the Magnificent:
Merciful DM:
with +8?
Mat the Magnificent:
Merciful DM:
oh! 15!
very nice
the HAMMER and AXE return to their original places. THE DERVISH nods
the autowinder tightens, dealing 1d6 damage, exploding on a 1
Mat the Magnificent:
Merciful DM:
your go
before that
there's a rumbling sound from above, and the ceiling begins to rise up...
Mat the Magnificent:
![]() |
Needs more widgets and unstable Occultum mainsprings, credit Leon Johnsnon |
Merciful DM:
run forward and blast?
Mat the Magnificent:
Merciful DM:
here's the deal
its 1d6, and +1 to hit and 1d6 damage per cartridge
including the first
but a Str check to control
Mat the Magnificent:
So 2d6 Damage
Merciful DM:
-1 damage per 10ft
Mat the Magnificent:
How high is he?
Merciful DM:
he's just levitating at about human head-height
Mat the Magnificent:
As he's bound by my autowinder, I risk nothing by trying to break his concentration?
Merciful DM:
THE DERVISH OF WAR is not particularly concerned
Mat the Magnificent:
fair enough
Merciful DM:
but you'll definitely be able to annoy him with the holy water
Mat the Magnificent:
As I'm using HOLY WATER against a DEMON I risk nothing by attempting to break his connection with the WEAPONS
Merciful DM:
how many cartridges?
Mat the Magnificent:
It's more efficent to only blast 1
Merciful DM:
Mat the Magnificent:
Seeing as you only get each gambit bonus once anyway
Merciful DM:
this is also a ranged attack, so you'll be down a point
Mat the Magnificent:
And it's far cooler to fire 2
With my ridiculous bonuses, that's a hit!
Merciful DM:
Mat the Magnificent:
4d6 +2?
Merciful DM:
nothing like sacrificing your eternal soul
do you move forward?
Mat the Magnificent:
Merciful DM:
to clarify, its 1d6, +1d6 for the first cartridge, +1d6 for the second
Mat the Magnificent:
Merciful DM:
thats basically a cannon going off
Mat the Magnificent:
Merciful DM:
i appreciate that immensely
the ceiling keeps rising up as you pummel the Demon with holy-water-laced shrapnel from an elvish clockwork shotgun
eventually, it seems to resemble the endless abyss outside... except this one has stars glimmering down
Mat the Magnificent:
Zulin is watching
Merciful DM:
THE DERVISH drops back, skin hissing and bubbling. His weapons drop to the ground with an almighty crash.
He cricks his neck.
He jumps up, then SLAMS down in front of you
He holds his four hands out, and his FOUR IMPLEMENTS surge towards you!
make four Defense rolls at +8 each!
Mat the Magnificent:
But the connection was broken!
Merciful DM:
it sure was!
Mat the Magnificent:
2 hit
Merciful DM:
which ones?
correction, the order
2nd and 4th
you dodge the Hammer and Axe, but the Broadsword and Flail arrow in towards you unerringly... or do they?
Pick one. You feel a strange kinship with it.
Mat the Magnificent: [Men in Black 3 - That's Not Possible Scene]
Mat the Magnificent:
the flail
Merciful DM:
the flail chatters and swerves away from you briefly
the broadsword, does not
take 1d12 damage and save please
Mat the Magnificent:
Can I burn a charisma to succeed that save?
Off by one
Merciful DM:
oh, yes
that sounds fine by me
Mat the Magnificent:
damage taken
Merciful DM:
your turn!
Mat the Magnificent:
Merciful DM:
Merciful DM:
{RAAAGH. ^$*@%$} shrieks the DERVISH as the occultum wire glows purple-hot
Merciful DM:
a question
in my notes, the next room effect is "roll 3d6. Wherever they land, a pillar rises"
i need some way to simulate that
or, i'll just pick at random
Mat the Magnificent:
That's cool
Merciful DM:
the height is the d6 in meters
Mat the Magnificent:
I don't get another xxxbow shot
Autowinder is doing work
It's BRAIN IN A JAR time
Merciful DM:
bringing out the big guns!
i almost forgot to mention, the first Injury to your Torso has a 50% chance to smash the jar instead
Mat the Magnificent:
Literally, in the case of the precious turn
More generous than I expected tbh
Merciful DM:
i imagine you'd be protecting it though
Mat the Magnificent:
I am
Mat's not that much of a bastard
Merciful DM:
of course, if its being actively targeted that's a different matter, and likely a gambit as well
Mat the Magnificent:
"You've got this, flash once if you want me to aim with the wand, twice if you want me to aim with the jar, three times if you want me to put you down"
Merciful DM:
anyway, i presume you swing the jar into line with the DERVISH and give "the signal"
Mat the Magnificent:
Also, taking several steps back
Don't want to be point blank
Merciful DM:
you hop step backwards, and then fire?
Mat the Magnificent:
that ^
Merciful DM:
sounds like another ranged attack roll, at -1 for awkwardness
Mat the Magnificent:
As he's currently screaming in pain from the AUTOWINDER I risk nothing by attempting to smash him against the pillar with the bolt?
Merciful DM:
mm depends how you want to line up the shot
are you more circling around?
Mat the Magnificent:
Merciful DM:
Mat the Magnificent:
slightly better idea
As he's currently wrapped in electric and magic conducting wire
Merciful DM:
Mat the Magnificent:
I risk nothing by attempting to supercharge the AUTOWINDER
2 rolls a turn
from now on
Merciful DM:
that doesn't have to make sense, go for it!
one roll on each of your turns
Mat the Magnificent:
One on his
Much hit!
Merciful DM:
2d6 first from the bolt, then 1d6 from Opportunist
checking for MD expenditure and mishaps as normal
Mat the Magnificent:
Is he a wizard?
Merciful DM:
all results of 1 2 and 3 are the same for wizards
all wizards
and warlocks, as a matter of fact
Mat the Magnificent:
I was thinking SAFE CASTING
he hasn't used it yet
Merciful DM:
i'll allow it
its more the fact its hit the occultum wire and overloaded the spinner
Mat the Magnificent:
Opportunist was similarly weak
Does spinner happen now?
Merciful DM:
Mat the Magnificent:
He's taken 38
and it's his turn
Merciful DM:
the DERVISH slides the pillar behind him out of the ground, and throws it at Mat
Mat the Magnificent:
Merciful DM:
you have successfully upset a Major Demon
lets see
Mat the Magnificent:
I tend to have that effect on people
Usually it takes a few more weeks
Merciful DM:
I'd think a Dex check to start with
Mat the Magnificent:
But this guy seems to have a short fuse
Can I break my shield to negate?
Merciful DM:
under the circumstances, no
Mat the Magnificent:
Merciful DM:
Mat the Magnificent:
it's very lucky time
Merciful DM:
when the dust clears, you are still standing there...
more spinning!
Mat the Magnificent:
2 damage
up to an even 40 now
Merciful DM:
getting there
your turn!
Mat the Magnificent:
If it ain't broke
It's BRAIN IN A JAR take 2, electric boogaloo
Merciful DM:
roll it!
Mat the Magnificent:
As he's in horrible agony from the autowinder
I risk nothing by trying to blast him into the FLAIL?
Merciful DM:
Mat the Magnificent:
As his FLAIL has betrayed him
I risk nothing be trying to blast him into it?
Merciful DM:
the flail is just on the ground now
chattering away
Mat the Magnificent:
I guess if I'm wrong about it
when I miss
Merciful DM:
we find out!
Mat the Magnificent:
What's his defence?
Merciful DM:
Mat the Magnificent:
Then that's a miss
I was thinking gambit miss penalty
Merciful DM:
the DERVISH twists at the last second and gets the lightning bolt (which you should roll 2d6 for anyway) right in the occultum wire again
Mat the Magnificent:
was I kick up dust
Merciful DM:
Mat the Magnificent:
Obscuring the Flail
and giving it +2 to hit
next round
Merciful DM:
the autowinder-lasso lets out a ping and comes undone
its now swinging at ever increasing speeds from the end of the DERVISHES FINGER
the DERVISH is whistling
Mat the Magnificent:
This is fine
Merciful DM:
the DERVISH brings it in, yoyo-like, then sends it hurtling towards you, while simultaneously reaching for his BROADSWORD
make two Defense rolls!
Mat the Magnificent:
not the sword
Merciful DM:
which goes right over your head, the broadsword into you for 1d12 damage and a save
Mat the Magnificent:
I'll break the shield
Merciful DM:
sure, no save either
also, doing rolls for the bolt
Mat the Magnificent:
Merciful DM:
and for the autowinder
Mat the Magnificent:
So brain is out of commission
Merciful DM:
is it me, or is it getting hot in here?
Mat the Magnificent:
for 1d6 rounds?
Merciful DM:
Mat the Magnificent:
He could have been elementalist
I guess
Merciful DM:
on average, wizards are orthodox until proven otherwise
at any rate, its your turn!
also, new pillars
Mat the Magnificent:
Only using lightning
may count as otherwise
Merciful DM:
the elf in charge had a vision
and no petty human schools had a hope of standing in their way
Mat the Magnificent:
So brain is out of juice
Merciful DM:
theres also a -5 size hole
Mat the Magnificent:
Autowinder is no longer doing work
I'm out of tricks
not quite
I load my remaining flask of hold water into my sling
Merciful DM:
pretty sure you doused yourself in that
Mat the Magnificent:
do you just douse yourself in the stuff? Mat the Magnificent: - Yesterday at 23:31 Half a flasks worth
Merciful DM:
in the sling it goes!
Mat the Magnificent:
No tricky
because it already worked
Merciful DM:
Mat the Magnificent:
but opportunist still triggers right?
Merciful DM:
lemme think
how about, holy water sprayed via sling on a demon does 1d12 damage?
Mat the Magnificent:
Merciful DM:
make an attack! 5 def
Mat the Magnificent:
Imma try and knock the autowinder back into his face
On a miss
Merciful DM:
it loops you
Mat the Magnificent:
I open myself up to a backswing
Merciful DM:
you were already open to the backswing
Mat the Magnificent:
That's not really worth then
A hit!
7 damage
up to 47 now
Merciful DM:
the DERVISH screams
choice: 1d6 damage or 1d6 trauma
Mat the Magnificent:
on me or the dervish?
Merciful DM:
Mat the Magnificent:
A traumatic break at this point is probably lethal
Merciful DM:
Mat the Magnificent:
Merciful DM:
at any rate, he ignites in BLUE FLAMES, and makes one grapple, one broadsword attack, one hammer attack and a final headbutt
the last is at only 6 attack
Mat the Magnificent:
I dodge the broadsword
grapple, hammer and headbut all hit
Merciful DM:
once again, do you take +1d6 damage from the hammer or fall prone?
Mat the Magnificent:
autowinder tick?
Merciful DM:
tick tock
at any rate, that 1d8+2+1d6 damage
Mat the Magnificent:
Brought exactly to 0
Merciful DM:
grappled and prone at 0
your turn! also make a save vs. blue fire
Mat the Magnificent:
save succeeds!
Merciful DM:
sizzle sizzle
what do you do?
Mat the Magnificent:
Gaze impressedly at my expended resources
Merciful DM:
honestly, you've made an intense effort
Mat the Magnificent:
How valuable are holy symbols?
just shitty ones
Made of tin?
Merciful DM:
of course that's what you brought with you [E: Thieves start with a Mystery Package to the value of 1d20 copper, Mat's was worth 3]
Mat the Magnificent:
Merciful DM:
the wrapping tears under your hand
what do you do with it?
Mat the Magnificent:
Press it into the demon's face
Merciful DM:
make an attack
Mat the Magnificent:
And pray
Merciful DM:
no penalty from prone or grappled
Mat the Magnificent:
what do I roll?
Merciful DM:
from a shitty tin piece? 1d6. I'm not saying its got a 50% chance to finish the job but...
Mat the Magnificent:
All that damage is from opportunist
Merciful DM:
Mat the Magnificent:
Even if it's not I'm saying it is
Merciful DM:
THE DERVISH has 2hp remaining
Mat the Magnificent:
Merciful DM:
roll it!
Mat the Magnificent:
Merciful DM:
the autowinder is all the way over in the corner when it finally bursts, sending shrapnel and occultum flying
Mat the Magnificent:
Never have I been so happy to be point blank of a horrific explosion
While grappled by a MAJOR DEMON
Merciful DM:
both of you get to save vs 1d8 damage
Mat the Magnificent:
I succeed
Merciful DM:
THE DERVISH sinks down onto you, flames steadily dying
from behind, you hear very very faint applause, and you feel the presence of another smoke ghost come closer
"Say there." says the undead elf "That was quite something. How do you feel about taking on... bigger game?"
- - - - - SESSION END - - - - -
I'm not gonna lie, I haven't had a chance to read this yet, but I think this is really cool on principle! Most play reports I've seen (or written myself) are post-hoc from memory or from limited notes, but I know that at least in Japan, thorough play report transcriptions are really common, and I think there's an interesting space for that as literature, similar to this genre called litRPGs which I have not read yet, but apparently are written as if they were transcriptions of videogame RPGs or MMORPGs. I forget which blog this was, but there's a tabletop RPG blog out there that talked about adventure modules, and how it seems like many of them are written not to be played per se, but as a way for readers to fantasize about playing them. I think there are interesting genres of literature to explore in the vein of actual play reports, adventure modules, or fiction written as if it were a play report, and I hope to see more people pursue these kinds of ideas.
ReplyDeleteI forgot to click the "notify me" button again, so this response is just so that I receive notifications. I'll delete it if I do receive a reply and then reply to that reply so that I can set the notification from that and then no longer need this extraneous comment...
DeleteThanks for the interest! The text format had it's ups and downs, but for the most part, it resulted in a really interesting and thought-out description of the action that was recorded for posterity. I'm glad I thought to extract the text before Discord deleted everything, which would've been very sad. Considering the number of mythological references I've scattered about the Chambers, perhaps what I have written is in fact self-generating literature...
DeleteOk, finally got around to giving it a proper read. Here are a few comments.
Delete1. Seems like you had a fun game!
2. I have not played Caves of Qud yet, but I can see how applying that text-adventure syntax to a PbP RPG makes so much sense.
3. The gambit system is really cool.
4. I like that you kept in some of the OOC conversation and game mechanics.
5. While there didn't appear to be much NPC dialog anyway, it might help if you used a different notation like "Low Priest (NPC)" rather than "Merciful GM" when presenting NPC dialog.
6. Additionally, I think overall this is really well formatted and structured, but I think it would also help if the player/GM/NPCs were color-coded. Not necessarily the whole text, just to on the names themselves. So "Mat the Merciful" might be in blue, and "Merciful GM" in red, or something like that.